The season is fast approaching. Your first opening night are around the corner. Are you ready with the planning of your scare actors? I hope so! Everybody who runs a scare attraction knows what it takes to get all the roles inside your attractions filled with the right actors. Who is available this night? Who can play this role because it needs somebody that can do improvisation. No for that role I need somebody that has great timing for making the perfect scare. But how are you managing this? Are you the one that knows everything? Or are you the one that got multiple excel sheets and a binder with actors information? It’s oktober and the halloween flue is also already here. What if you are hit by the flue? Is there anybody that can take over, without having to call you for everything? There is a solution for this problem and that is Scare Manager. It directly gives you a overview of all the roles and actors that are available for that role. Just drag and drop them to the spot. It’s easy and saves a lot of time. So you can focus on the fun things instead of the administration. Wanne give it a try, just sign up at